How To Use Multiple ISPs On One Computer

Since different ISPs offer various unique features, you may want to use more than one ISP to most effectively use the Internet. Fortunately, using multiple ISPs isn't as complicated as you may think.Connecting multiple ISPs

Things You’ll Need:-

  • Modems.
  • Internet Service Providers.
  • Computers.


  1. Purchase and/or download the installation software for each ISP you wish to use.
  2. Install the first ISP, following the distributor's instructions.
  3. Install the remaining ISPs one at a time, placing the software for each in a separate directory.
  4. Open the Start menu and choose Settings, then Control Panel. Double-click Internet Options. Under the Connections tab, choose one ISP to act as your default connection (that is, the one that will automatically connect when you open your Web browser, newsreader program, or other Internet software).
  5. When you want to use a particular ISP, connect to it normally, as if it were your computer's only ISP. (How you do this depends on the ISP.)

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