How to Recover a Corrupted System file on your computer

If your PC run to slowly,you must try step by step for take back speed up for your computer. This article can make your laptop or desktop PC have a high performance, but you must be careful if you want to do this. I hope, this article can help you back best performance on your PC. This article just will show you how to recover system file on your computer if attacked by a virus. Sometimes in case of windows file, we get attacked by a virus or otherwise it get corrupted.But, we can solve this problem by restoring it from the windows CD. Here are the steps:--

Things You'll Need:-
First of all, search the lost/corrupted file from the CD. Then rename the last character with an underscore to change the file format (Example:file.ex_).
If you found it then next go to open a command prompt and enter the command Expand, E:\setup\SETUP\notepad.EXE.
If you did not found it then search on the unmodified the filename. You can inside *.CAB file used right-drag and copy the file to destination folder. But, you should search a file matching, when the search is done, you can use the command EXTRACT /L followed by the desired location, the full pathname of the *.CAB file like example: c:\windows D:\I386\Driver.CAB notepad.exe.
Always destination file pathname contains space, surround it with double quotes if you found that file with "yes" or "no" answer

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