Hello dear frds recently i found a website for social cause Friends2support .
"Friends2support" is started with a desire to help our society.

 About friends 2 support
  • The reason behind starting "friends2support" is to show our little support and we hope we can inspire others in the process.
  • "Friends2support" is started with a vision of child education and our mission is to improve minimum resources to the schools.
  • We want to help students who are facing troubles in continuing their education.
  • Nowadays many people are struggling with information about Blood donors. Our aim here is to provide some information about blood donors and give support to blood seekers.
.Vision, Mission and values of friends 2 support
Vision :

Friends2support vision is:
To pave way for a safer and better tommorrow.
  • Safer, by bringing blood donors and those in need to a common platform.
  • Better, by providing every person what he/she deserves the most, best education.
Our aim in next 5 years,
  • To be the real hope of every Indian in search of a voluntary blood donor.
  • To set up a well organised infrastructure through out the country to cater to the education of the underresourced by way of maintaining a repository of contributed books and providing as many resources as possible for rural child education.
Mission :

To make the best use of contemporary technologies in delivering a promising web portal to bring together all the blood donors in India; thereby fulfilling every blood request in the country.

To provide a common platform for those who have a zeal to support education of the under resourced yet meritorious students.
Values :
  • Dignity
  • Excellence
  • Diversity
  • Individual and team work
  • Compassion
  • Advance
  • Trust
  • Integrity
  • Oblige
  • Network

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