Zoho Companion and Zoho Notebook Companion Extensions for Google Chrome

Zoho announced two Zoho extensions for Google Chrome: Zoho Companion and Zoho Notebook Companion.
Zoho Companion for Google Chrome extension keeps you connected to Zoho regardless of the site you are in. It allows you to quickly view documents, spreadsheets, presentation and PDF files from Google web searches by clicking View in Zoho link. That means, Zoho users can view these documents using Zoho web apps. Zoho Companion also allows users to quickly view any local files you may have.
Zoho Notebook Companion for Google Chrome is specific to Zoho Notebook. It allows you to seamlessly browse the web and make clippings of the pages you visit and take notes. You can automatically take a screenshot of the page you are visiting, which is then automatically uploaded on the background to your Zoho Notebook account. You can of course just grab part of the text of the page, or just jot down your random thoughts -directly to Zoho Notebook- with this extension.

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