Would you like to send Twitter message using SMS in India? Now you can start tweeting by simply sending an SMS using your mobile phone – be it Airtel, Reliance Mobile, MTS, Tata Indicom, Tata Docomo or any mobile career in India. It will cost you only the normal SMS rates, no premium costs. Unlike the 3 rupees per SMS premium rate of Twiiter on Airtel, you will be charged your regular Re 1/- by your provider. How?
With smstweet.in, a wonderful service recently launched, you can tweet from your mobile phone at normal rates. Just register your mobile number at smstweet.in and authenticate your twitter account. Now you can start tweeting by sending a message,TWEET to 09220092200.
You no longer need to depend on your web browser or a twitter client. No need to install any software on your phone or use Internet on your phone. No need to pay premium rates to your network provider. All you have to do is just send an sms at normal rates to tweet your thoughts.
Now that I am using the Reliance Mobile SMS scheme of One Paisa Per SMS and Unlimited SMS for Re. 1 Per Day, tweeting can get so fun!
The SMSTweet application uses SMSGupShup’s platform to receive and respond to users SMS messages and Google App-Engine as the server to run. [via mobigyaan]
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