Next Google Nexus Phone is Enterprise Phone with Hardware Keyboard

Google announced that the next version of the Nexus Onephone will be for enterprise users and might have a physical keyboard. With the new edition, which would be more than a BlackBerry, Google would be getting into the enterprise cellphone market, and posing as a strong competitor to RIM (Research In Motion) BlackBerry. Google is planning to feature a hardware keyboard in the Business Edition of Nexus One.
Google does not make phones, but instead chose HTC to manufacture the Nexus One under Google brand and then sell it with or without a contract through their website. [via pcworld]
According to a research report by iSuppli, Google’s new Nexus One smartphone, which retails for $529 un US, is built from components that cost about $174. The cost of the Nexus One’s various components, including $30.50 for the 1Ghz Qualcomm Inc Snapdragon processor and $17.50 for the Synaptics Inc touchscreen, totals $174.16.
The big gap between the components’ costs and the phone’s price tag did not necessarily mean the Internet giant was making a hefty profit, since the retail price includes expenses such as licensing fees and marketing costs. The bill of materials cited by iSuppli does not include other costs such as manufacturing, software and royalties — all of which are factored in when calculating gross profit margin on a product. It is estimated that, smartphone vendors typically achieve gross margins around 30 percent.

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