More Free SMS on During Christmas Season

According to Wadja Blog, during this Christmas holidays, offers extra SMS to all Wadja users. You can now send 3 SMS to the same number, 5 SMS to different numbers and even more SMS for all Wadja-to-Wadja users.
You can also get your maximum allowance of free SMS by inviting your friends to Wadja. You can also purchase low-cost international and national packages through Wadja’s Premium SMS services.

To send an SMS through Wadja, Got to, click on My labels and then click onSMS. Click on the compose box and start typing your message. Type the cell phone numbers in the TO field, enter your message, and click Send.
This YouTube video explains how a wadja user can send an SMS to a mobile phone number through his profile page.

How to Send Free SMS in WADJA.COM Website is a unique messaging service based on shared topics of interest and activities. Use Wadja to follow profile “labels” that focus around the hobbies and group discussions you enjoy most. With Wadja, conversations can take place over the web, email and sms, and the responses are shared between contacts, or privately with a friend.
With Wadja you can organize real time conversations and social content under customized “label” tags. Labels perform all the work folders once did with an extra bonus: you can add more than one label to a conversation. Once a label is created, all the content and feeds within that label are easily searched or accessed by clicking the label name.
Labels can be applied to a variety of social content and activity including email and sms messages, real time tweets and status updates, uploaded media, and even friend relationships. Labels add a personalized relevance to content and conversation.

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