Make Money From Video Blogging

One of the great things about blogging is that it is an interactive way for you to get your thoughts out on the Internet to millions of potential readers and customers. And a popular way that blogging has progressed recently is in the form of audio and video on your blog and within your posts.
People love to be entertained and you just need to look at sites like Youtube to realise how popular posting and watching videos has become. They get millions upon millions of hits every single day.

Now I’m not suggesting your blog will automatically get that many hits if you put up a few videos, but it does go to prove that a lot of people prefer watching something than reading words on a page and, done correctly, you will be able to earn yourself some good money from blog videos.
Learning how to create a Youtube type of video is really not that hard and the benefit to you as a blogger is you can create a blog video and add it to a post to make it more entertaining and informative.
Some people do not just like to read a blog post. They want the option of clicking on a link and watching the video and listening to audio. It is becoming important for all bloggers to understand this and move their business up a notch by adding video blogs where relevant.
Because so many products are sold on the Internet today via affiliate marketing, you are beginning to see videos created where you can embed your affiliate ID directly into the video itself and this allows you to add script in your blog post and play videos without actually creating them yourself.
If you consider yourself an amateur videographer you can quickly put together a video that expresses your thoughts about a particular product relating to a blog post that you are doing.
If you are unsure about how to start creating blog videos one website you can check out is:
They offer a great online tutorial that teaches you everything from how to start your own video blog, to creating videos, to content ideas and so on.
Another simple thing you can do is become an Internet marketing spy. Look at some of the blogs that your competitors have, and note down things they are doing to use video to build their business.
You do not want copy them verbatim but you can certainly take some of the good things you see from various blogs and implement them into yours to make your own business stronger.
Having a informative video on your blog may be the difference between making a sale or not and you will definately have more chance making the sale than a competitor who does not have a video.
The important thing about video is that you use it to complement what you are currently doing. This does not mean, however, that you have to create a video blog that is 100% video. Just add them as necessary, and make them a part of the overall experience and excitement you are trying to create with your own personal blog.
One last point to bring up is that search engines are now beginning to spider videos. This gives you yet another opportunity to help your blog be found for content that you produce.
By combining video, audio, fresh content, content provided by your readers, graphics, banners, and so on, you are providing a totally enhanced experience to your visitor.
Having a video blog, or adding blog videos, is just one more way to potentially increase your income and work towards your financial freedom. Plus it can be a lot of fun for both you and your visitors.

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