Firefox Mobile (Fennec) Features

Firefox Mobile (codenamed Fennec) will soon be released before end of this month. The new Fennec release is with Firefox official branding, with Firefox name and logo. Fennec has been in development for the last year and a half. This release is available for the Maemo OS2008 and Maemo 5software platforms running on the Nokia N810 and N900 Internet Tablets.

Visit the Mobile homepage to send a text message containing a link to download Firefox to your phone. Or, simply go with your current mobile browser and download Firefox directly to your phone.
If you do not have an N810 or N900, you can still experiment with Fennec by installing a version of Fennec for your desktop PC – WindowsMac OS X or Linux.
Firefox Mobile comes with favorite and familiar features that you enjoy on your desktop. Firefox Mobile (Fennec) support localizations, currently including Spanish, German, French, Italian, Dutch, and Russian.
Firefox Mobile has easy navigation with the Smart URL bar, it has integrated Web search built into the URL bar and provides easy access to multiple search engines.
Firefox interface is optimized for touch-oriented UI, auto-hiding controls and URL bar to maximize content, touch-enabled bookmarking and controls and tabbed browsing.
The Mobile version also has Password manager, Popup blocker, Clear recent history, security settings customization, and automated update.
You can also customize add-ons, including ability to find and install add-ons directly to device, enjoy the location-aware browsing and search engine management.
In the productivity front, Firefox Mobile offers offline browsing, download manager, preferences pane and a spell checker.
Firefox controls are stowed away to the sides of the screen. They can be accessed by swiping your finger left or right across the screen. Your tabs are on the left side of the screen, while bookmarks and settings are on the right. The address bar also disappears when you scroll down, but reappears by swiping up or to the side.
The Awesome Bar gets you where you want to go quickly. Touch the Awesome Bar and begin typing. As you type it will display websites that you visit frequent or have recently visited or bookmarked. The Awesome Bar learns as you use it, adapting to your preferences and making your browsing more personal. You can also tap the Awesome Bar to enter a URL or search term and start exploring the Web.
The Weave add-on brings your Firefox experience to your mobile phone. First, create a Weave account on your PC. Then go to Firefox on your mobile and select the pre-installed Weave add-on. When you enter your Weave account info and sync, your Firefox preferences, history and more will be shared between your PC and your mobile.
Location-Aware Browsing saves you time by allowing websites to ask you where you are. If you choose to share your location with a website, it can use that information to find nearby points of interest and return additional, useful data like maps of your area. It’s all optional – Firefox doesn’t share your location without your permission. [source]

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