– Validate Web Design in Different Browsers

You might have come across situations where your web design or blog theme looks perfect in a browser (for example Firefox), but the sidebar comes down in another browser (for example internet explorer 6.0). You might want to test your website or blog in various browsers and even older versions of those browsers.
While teckies keep the browser versions up-to-date, many of the home users keep themselves happy with the default browsers in their operating system. So it is important to test the web design and make sure it works fine in most of the browsers.

Even though there are options to get the older versions of browser software (for example at, it is difficult and needs more resource and time to set up all browsers for various operating systems.
I these cases, you will find very useful. It is a free open-source online service created by Johann C. Rocholl, with a goal to raise awareness for browser diversity.
Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser, make screenshots and upload them to the central server.
The screenshots are provided for free. The screenshots are made on distributed computers that are run by volunteers. Most of these are normal desktop machines with domestic broadband internet. Distributed community processing ensures O/S and browser diversity.
Browsershots provides various options including the browsers, operating systems, screen size, color depth, javascript support, java support and flashs upport.
Currently the project supports various versions of browsers including Camino, Chrome, Dillo, Epiphany, Firefox, Flock, Galeon, Iceape, Iceweasel, Kazehakase, K-Meleon, Konqueror, Minefield, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Navigator, Opera, SeaMonkey and Shiretoko for operating systems like Linux, Windows, Mac OS and BSD.
You can also take part in this project if you have some cheap bandwidth and a computer that is running most of the time, and set up a factory and let it start making screenshots.

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